Wildheart Sacred Artist

Registration ButtonWildheart Sacred Artists know their nature both within and without.

Newborns arrive into this world with a purity and clarity so intense that it is near impossible not to fall into some divine joy when looking into their eyes. As they grow older, this clarity begins to fade as they develop a healthy sense of who they are and begin to define the world they are perceiving. At Wildheart, there is nothing more important to us than returning the power and clarity to children’s eyes. Nature is the perfect setting for inviting kids to return to their inner truths. In this centering and empowering week of camp we will be exploring mindfulness, meditation, dance, sacred art, earth skills, music, compassion, and Earth-based ceremonies. Children will come away with practice choosing kindness over anger, peace over anxiety, and love over fear. They will also come away with a unique altar cloth dyed using local plants and leaf prints. Second year students also receive a surprise item for their altar that represents a positive quality they have offered to the camp. Amidst the deep work we will be doing, we will also find plenty of space for nature games and free time to explore the environment. Join us for an unforgettable week of becoming a Sacred Artist.

Students Will:

  • Create a unique dyed altar cloth with local plants and leaf prints
  • Sing songs
  • Play nature games
  • Practice being in touch with their inner truth
  • Learn skills for staying calm in the midst of stress

Monday, August 15th – Friday, August 19th

9am – 3:30pm

Skyliner Lodge

$257 Per Week

*Sibling (4%) and Multi-Session (4%) Discounts Apply to all camps automatically through our system

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