Fall Wreaths Made with Natural Glue
Step 1: Go for a walk in nature and collect fallen leaves, small sticks, feathers, and other small light weight items. Collect a small container of sap from a tree. I like Ponderosa sap because it smells like vanilla! Also, find some dried plant material and crush it up.
Step 2: Cut a hole out of the middle of a paper plate (preferably made of recycled materials).
Step 3: Here’s the fun alchemy project: Make natural glue! You will need beeswax (which you can find at Whole Foods), the sap, and the dried plant material that you collected. I also suggest using a tin can to to this project. First, combine 2 parts sap with 1 part grated beeswax into your tin can. For every tablespoon of this mixture, add one teaspoon crushed plant material. Put the tin can over an flame such as a camp stove or over your stove at home. You can stir the mixture as it’s heating up. Once everything has melted together, you are ready to apply!
Step 4: Apply the glue to each one of your collected nature items and attach to the paper plate. Allow to dry to secure seal.
Step 5: Punch a hole at the top of your wreath and attach a string so you can hang it up. Enjoy!