Your programs have changed my son’s life in very powerful ways. He learned to embrace his uniqueness! I saw him grow into a more confident young man that is more in touch with himself on a spiritual level and with nature. He learned to be quiet within himself and for him that has been profound!
My daughter came home from camp really happy, really peaceful, content, mindful, and excited about what she made, what she did, and the animals and plants she spent time with. It was really cool to see her so grounded when she came home. I wish I could go to this camp and I wish this was mandatory for all public school kids. I think it’s wonderful. I would recommend it to everybody!
The other day, my kids were arguing with one another and my daughter said, “I’m going to go sit in my sit spot to calm down.” I cannot imagine a better gift for our children than the realization that they have the tools to solve their problems by going within. Thank you for your amazing teachings!